Tuesday 15 December 2009

Dear Habs

Hey Habs,

If you’re reading this you’ve found the clue! Happy anniversary-ish! Though our anniversary will always be disputable :)

It’s been a fun year, hasn’t it? So unpredictable! We met under strange circumstances (I still tell people that I don’t know very well that we met through ‘friends’), and I remember writing in my Yemen travel journal: “I don’t know what’s going to happen next year. Maybe I’ll be in Athens, and who knows, maybe I’ll be in London. I met this guy through Jake that just seems really cool—Adam. I have a good feeling about him but you know how these things go…fingers crossed.”

I remember when I first met you, way back in November 2008. I felt such a connection to you but also felt that you were holding back, or maybe were not as interested, and I couldn’t understand why. I remember going back to Yazan’s place, where Tim and Dina (Yazan’s girlfriend was) were hanging out, and I went on and on about how I just totally met the love of my life and he wasn’t interested in me, and I just don’t know how I could ever meet someone else who would be that amazing (dramatic as always). I even remember what I was wearing—a purple sweater that I loved, and I actually lost it that night!

It’s funny, looking back at these moments, that a year from then I’d be where I am now. It feels like a dream come true. When I first met you, it was like meeting someone who I dreamt up. And as I got to know you, in a strange way, discovering that you weren’t that ‘perfect’ image that I first saw, it’s made me fall in love with you more and more. It’s funny how we call them imperfections, and yet they enhance someone and make them more real, more alive, more loveable. And that’s how it’s been.

We’ve had our ups and downs, but thankfully, touchwood, it’s been almost always ups. You’re my habs, and no one else in history has ever been my habs. I remember the moment I realized I was in love with you. We were in that Bethnal Green flat, Mark was drinking in the living room. We were in the kitchen and you had just come back from mixing. We were preparing food and you were going into great detail about how you spent the day watching youtube videos of ferries crashing/sinking. You were describing a plane/ferry crash, and just couldn’t stop laughing. And then you were laughing so much you pinched the bridge of your nose as you laughed. In a strange way, it was that single movement that came together for me and helped me realize what a weirdo you were, and just how much I was in love with you.

Habs, you’ve taught me so much. When I made the decision not to go to Athens, Jehan told me “you know, taking this Athens job and moving around—you’ll learn so much, it’ll be such an experience”. I remember telling her “true, but I’ve moved around a lot. In a way I feel there’s a lot you can learn by just staying still”. I couldn’t have been more right. I’ve learn so much through you, I’ve had an amazing time, and it just feels right.

Thanks for being there, and for putting up with some of my eccentricities :), and for picking me up when I was down, for doing me nice, for being so supportive and understanding, for managing to make me laugh at least five times a day, for the amazing sex and mindblowing cuddles, for everything everything. I could go on and on.

Wish I was with you right now, I really really miss you. I feel so lucky to have met someone so amazing and fun, and goodlooking and kind hearted and just plain old nice. And to me, that’s the sexiest thing of all.

I love you and miss you so much.

Happy 7ish month anniversary :)

Your Habs

1 comment:

  1. habibi! inta!

    thank you so much for this.

    i love you so much,

    your habs. xxxxx
